When a high-powered lance with specifically designed nozzles sprays a fog, it binds dust particles with dust suppressants.
Control Hire
Fog Lance
Fog lance being used on a demolition site for dust suppression

When a high-powered fog lance with specifically designed nozzles sprays a fog, it is a dust control solution that binds dust particles with dust suppressants. Fog nozzles are used in the fogging process to nebulize water under pressure into minuscule microdroplets. The fog dampens the surface to stop fugitive dust particles and pushes airborne dust particles to the ground. The resulting water atomized mist has a narrow size distribution and its particles can even be smaller than 10 microns. Due to the surface adhesion of the water molecules, when water is coupled with dust in the air, it will combine with the dust and, after condensing, the influence of gravity will cause the water to fall, with the design serving the aim of suppressing the dust.

For dust suppression, construction site dust reduction, and demolition dust reduction, use the fog lance machine as your dust suppression system. Urban growth areas, coal storage yards at stations, coal washing operations, cooking plants, iron mines, steel mills, and ports are all included in this systems applications. Spray dust suppression is the primary function. With the capacity to break down and desalt the particle concentration and swiftly drive down the contaminating particle and dust floating in the air, fog lance machines can spray dust particles in the corresponding areas of concern.

The ‘science’ of dust control with a fog lance

The Slipstream Effect is the fundamental theory of fog lance dust suppression products. The dust suppressant droplet and dust particle need to be similar in order to bind fugitive dust in the air and bring it to the ground, The smaller the droplet, the more likely a dust particle absorption occurs, sending the dust to the ground. A sufficient amount of water and smaller dust suppressant droplets are the secret to amazing coverage. Due to their higher surface area to mass ratio, smaller droplets have the ability to travel further, which means that air pressure has a substantially stronger influence than gravity in these kinds of dust suppression systems.

As a result, they will remain buoyant for a longer period of time until gravity starts to pull them down. According to the science of physics, heavier water droplets are more easily affected by gravity, much as how raindrops fall from clouds when they become too huge. You need the proper spray nozzles for your situation because smaller droplets may be more prone to evaporation. In some circumstances, depending on your circumstances, it might have the desired outcome. The minuscule water droplets create a thick fog that traps the dust particles, making them heavier and causing them to fall from the sky. Additionally, the amount of fog must be bigger than the levels of dust in these types of dust control solutions.

What are the advantages of a fog lance for dust suppression?

You can use water more wisely and reduce associated costs with fog gun devices. This method reduces stormwater runoff and its consequences, which is vital for balancing air and land pollution. It also creates fewer water pools to ensure a safer and more effective workplace.

Fog lance dust suppression prevents product over-saturation, which frequently results in a sticky muck that is difficult to handle and shortens the lifespan of both facility surfaces and equipment.

Due to automated operation, fog lance dust suppression results in lower labour costs, without the need for expertise from an operator. Just plug it in and walk away! The volume of water fired from the fog lance can be regulated to control both surface dust and airborne particles without experiencing saturation issues.

Depending on the requirements of the given site, the lances can be placed in either a permanent or mobile posture. The popularity of wet dust suppression options is influenced by fog lance dust suppression. They are quick and simple to execute, and they are quite effective, offering a range of long-term solutions that, with proper maintenance, may deliver years of trouble-free performance.

What applications are associated with a fog lance?

The issue of airborne dust particles produced by mining operations, demolition sites, and bulk material handling sites is addressed by fog gun dust suppression devices. There are several sizes of fog lances. The smaller units are perfect for controlling dust where it is produced in high concentrations at clearly defined point sources, like dumping, crushing, loading/unloading vehicles, discharging onto stockpiles, discharging onto ships, reclaiming from stockpiles, and so forth. When the fog lance is pointed at the source of the dust, it quickly suppresses the released dust and prevents it from dispersing. Through blanketing the area in fog, the larger units can reduce the amount of general airborne dust, which greatly reduces the risk of silicosis.

The low throw distance is typically required for this since they are also capable of controlling the dust that high volume dust events like blasting create. Fog lances are especially helpful for stockpile dust reduction, where their low water use is a benefit. Fog lances use strong fans and throw distances between 30 and 100 metres. With customizable elevation angles from 0 to 45 degrees, automatic rotation can be set to rotate up to 360 degrees. Depending on the model and application, water consumption averages 21L/mine.

Control Hire has a range of dust suppression solutions that is not limited to Fog Lances. Check out our range of solutions here.

Control Hire

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