
Control Hire specialize in a wide range of Hire-Ready Monitoring equipment for construction sites including dust monitoring and vibration monitoring products. Our goal is to correctly measure, control and improve site safety.
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Industrial worker making cut with electric hand saw

Monitoring Dust & Vibration in Construction

Exposure to dust particles has been associated with cases of asthma, cancer and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD). Dust Monitoring solutions ensure the safety of our construction workers, Real-time silica & dust data is the key to ending the problem.

Ensure your project is on target when it comes to vibration. Vibration monitors provide high-quality measurements straight to the cloud, with real-time alerts sent to your mobile or email and inbuilt global standards.

Suppression Cannon

Our Monitoring Equipment

Control Hire specialise in a wide range of Hire-Ready Monitoring solutions for construction sites including dust monitoring and vibration monitoring products. Our goal is to correctly measure, control and improve site safety.

Dust Creation on Site

Construction work creates dust in huge volumes, especially from grinding, cutting, jack hammering, and demolition work. Workers are generally within a hazardous range to the dust produced and if left without in place control measures, will inhale large amounts of the hazardous particles each and every day on site. Dust extraction equipment must be implemented to reduce the wide range of health risks associated from construction dust, inclusive of silica dust.

Vibration Creation on site

On construction sites, there are a huge number of obvious risks and hazards for people’s health, safety, and the environment.

Vibrations, which are produced and transmitted by construction and excavation equipment, rail and road traffic, and industrial machinery, are one of the more inaudible “killers” on construction sites.

Vibration from construction sites can have a noticeable detrimental effect on a variety of people, places, and things, including the local population, nearby structures, and workers operating machinery and equipment.

Featured Monitoring Equipment

Control Hire’s range of vibration monitoring and dust monitoring units minimise the risks associated within the construction industry. Our units are portable and able to be placed close to the source, minimising exposure in and around the construction areas.

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